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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Name, affiliation and personal information should not be indicated in the text, according to Ensuring a Blind Peer Review. Please include the manuscript’s title, abstracts and keywords on the first text page.

  • Text format should be *.doc, *.docx ou *.rtf (no more than 2Mb).

  • Manuscripts should be exclusive. Please consider submitting the manuscript to the Journal exclusively at least 40 days before submitting it to other journals.

  • The authors assume all responsibility for ideas expressed on manuscripts.

  • No financial compensation is due to authors.
  • Metadata should be correctly informed, including a brief summary of biografy.

Author Guidelines


The Journal accepts manuscripts in English, Portuguese, French and Spanish.

Electronic Submission

Technical Instructions are available at Open Journal Systems: A Complete Guide to Online Publishing, pages 161-170.

Length Limitations

The Journal prefers papers from 20 – 25 pages, including abstracts, text body, footnotes and references.

Citation Format

Please use footnotes rather than endnotes. Footnotes should conform to the 20th edition of The Bluebook and the ALWD Guide to Legal Citation. Rules are available at Peter Martin’s Introduction to Basic Legal Citation.


Papers should preferably contain (i) a TITLE up to 15 words in length; (ii) an ABSTRACT from 150 to 250 words in length; (iii) from 3 to 5 KEYWORDS; (iv) an INTRODUCTION; (v) a TEXT BODY; (vi) a CONCLUSION; and (vii) a list of REFERENCES. Tables, charts, graphics and images should appear within the text. Hyphenation and page numbering should be disabled. Please promote typografical emphasis in italic. 


Authors will not be charged for submit, edit or publish their manuscripts.


Check our Authors Guidelines and others publication norms in the page Submissions.

Book Reviews

Check our Authors Guidelines and others publication norms in the page Submissions.

Case Law Commentaries

Check our Authors Guidelines and others publication norms in the page Submissions.

Privacy Statement

The names and adresses here informed will be used exclusively for editorial purposes of this Journal and will not be available to anyone else.