Individuals Existence, Community, Peace, Constitution, Citizen ConstitutionalismAbstract
Individuals exist and live their lives in society. Community balance and harmony can only be achieved in peace, i.e. in the absence of war and regulating violence with the law. The constitution of the State is the most celebrated piece to regulate the administration of state force—a language for peace. The highest law is the basis of the State and its rules establish a responsible control of peace. Constitutions play a decisive role as a procedural rule, as they attain and consolidate relative peace in a given community. Peace as an objective is the most valuable good in a community, as it guides all its citizens. The author labels citizen constitutionalism the process whereby all citizens in a constitutional State aim for relative peace. Once relative peace is attained, growing and unfair inequality becomes a disaster which may disrupt the social peace achieved, and this is something that must be addressed.Downloads
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