Requests to View, Brazilian Superior Electoral Court, Quantitative ResearchAbstract
The paper is the result of quantitative research aimed at answering two questions: 1) are requests to view the case at the Brazilian Superior Electoral Court (TSE) common? 2) Are requests to view the case at the TSE short in duration? We captured basic data, including docket entries, for 235.416 cases admitted to the court between January 2006 and May 2017. The data shows that requests to view the case are not common at the TSE. Only 1.17% of cases during this time were the object of a request. The data also shows that requests are not short. The overall average is 66.97 days, while approximately 1/5 of requests is returned after more than 100 days – 5 times the longest deadline, that of the Brazilian new Civil Procedure Code.Downloads
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