Revoking mandate and fake News

the strategies of legal bolsonarism for maintaining Congressman Fernando Fracischini in power




cassação de mandato, internet, abuso na utilização de meio de comunicação social, fake News, bolsonarismo


Electoral law has developed more and more importance in last few years in Brazil because of the constants attacks made by bolsonarism against the Electoral Justice. Those conducts helped to create a perfect scenario for the coup d’etat attempt in January 8th, demonstrating the need to study an emblematic case inside this diffuse process in the context of the Superior Electoral Court (SEC) decision that revoked the mandate of the Congressman Fernando Francischini in Brazil. It is necessary to understand how electoral and procedural norms were manipulated by bolsonarism in order to maintain the power of that politician, even in a context in which that authority disseminated serious fake News during the 2018 elections. The methodology analyzes the reasons offered by Justices nominated by the former President Jair Bolsonaro that tried to overturn SEC decision, concluding that the interaction among them may be considered a case concerning authoritarian interinstitutional collaboration, which was possible by combing procedural and material strategies using law.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, E. M. (2023). Revoking mandate and fake News: the strategies of legal bolsonarism for maintaining Congressman Fernando Fracischini in power. JOURNAL OF INSTITUTIONAL STUDIES, 9(3), 854–876.


