Neoinstitucionalismo, Decolonialismo, Estudos interdisciplinares, Direito ComparadoAbstract
This paper proposes to reflect on the contributions and methodological possibilities of new institutional research that encompass decolonial practices and reflections as productive tools for meso-analyses. Faced with the need to rethink the paradigms of description, evaluation and transformation of real institutions based on their informal rules and dynamics, especially those based on the mobilization of their actors and on the plurality of meanings and claims of rights that coexist, intertwine and mutually affect each other with formal rules. Through the theoretical-conceptual adoption of new institutional analysis, together with the critical reflections provided by empirical, interdisciplinary and decolonial research, the aim is to list possible methodological paths for identifying the behavior and interaction between formal and informal institutions, their rules of the game and its participants in order to avoid reifications, homogenizations or simple legislative compilations, mainly, in the context of the study of comparative law. Therefore, focus will be given to the contributions of the players' active listening process and their self-perception process as such. Emphasizing the role of the actions of extension projects and social movements in defense of rights through social mobilizations, strategic litigation and new readings and perspectives under the established norms, proposing, in the end, possible ways to build a new institutional theory with a decolonial background.
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